Recently, we welcomed 10 vibrant YourFormula bloggers who were invited by Cefic (The European Chemical Industry Council) to a bloggers learning session at ZN. As they all have a passion for chemistry, we wanted that to shine through in their writing.
So our very own Karmen Špiljak sought to help them do just that. Here are some highlights of the session.
Know your audience
To get the ball rolling, Karmen asked them what their passions in life are. Then they had a series of hands-on exercises, like creating personas to help them find out who their audience is and why they would care about what’s on the blog. This helped the group put themselves in the shoes of their audience.
Think of your content as a treasure map
When writing, it is important to think of content as a treasure map and hand it to your reader. Does it motivate them to take the journey? How much of it does he/she need to see before understanding where the treasure is? You need to give your readers direction, provide orientation, show them where the golden nuggets are, and make them want to dig it out.
What makes a great story?
There is no such thing as a perfect blog post, but overall, a good title, attention-grabbing hook, having a narrative, and a call to action are things you need to have. A story, if broken down into its simplest form, is a series of cause and effect. By making it personal and something that people can empathize with, your story will go much farther than dry facts. And don’t forget that stories aren’t just words.
What’s your take on storytelling? Do you think it’s time for a shift in the way your stories are told? Organize a Digital Masterclass with us!