How do you manage and monitor your all up social presence on the web? Are you struggling to keep up with real time conversations and content flow across platforms?
At ZN we’ve been working with Campaign Commander (formally known as Objective Marketer). It’s a content management and statistics gathering tool. We use it on a daily basis to manage the delivery of online communication strategies for various clients. It helps us not only be effective with time management but churns out some great statistics. As with any new web technology, it keeps evolving with new features being added every few months.
If you read Nicholas’ post about becoming a media company and Mission possible: 7 steps to building an effecting online strategy, these strategies are most often rolled out with Campaign Commander supporting us in the background. So overall it gets a firm thumbs up from the ZN crew.
Recently Campaign Commander contacted ZN to capture our views of their tool on camera, so here follows a quick one and a half minutes by CEO Nicholas Brooke who introduces the company’s communication services, followed by yours truly talking about the value of the tool itself.