Have you ever tried to get into an exclusive nightclub on a cold evening, only to hear the bouncer say if your name’s not on the list, then you’re not getting in?
A lot of brand owners try to put forward an air of exclusivity around their assets to keep the interest of existing and potential audiences piqued.
Martini is one that fits the bill – a typical 19th century brand looking to employ 21st century methods to augment itself in today’s marketplace. Like so many brand owners before, the Bacardi Martini Group decided to take to Facebook to garner interest in the brand.
But to be fair to Martini, any similarity with other Facebook marketing campaigns ends there. Its “Get on the Guestlist” campaign invites users to “charm their way” into being invited to its 150th Anniversary Gala celebration in Lake Como last September 19.
Rather than demanding a simple Facebook “like,” Martini went for “real” interactivity, requiring prospective invitees to use a Google Voice Search voice-to-text recognition feature to send in a charming one-liner worthy of getting them past the door staff. Watch the video below to see how it works.
Martini’s global communications director Nadia Kokni told UK-based Marketing Week magazine that the brand “wanted to do something a little more immersive and rich than your standard Facebook campaign… something that would be fun and playful and that people would want to share with their friends.”
The year-long marketing plan that ran across ten European countries truly walked the talk on the interactivity front, giving the audience a real means of communicating with the Martini brand which demonstrated the fun and adventure it tries to encapsulate.