I guess it’s an obvious topic, but I liked an article I just read on the bbc’s site about the decline of TV viewing being replaced by internet surfing/watching videos online. The title of the article is Online Video is Eroding TV Viewing.
To me this is a change I see all around me, and I kind of enjoy. First because the dominance of TV in our culture has had (in my opinion) a rather debiltitating effect on people. It is passive medium, where the lowest common denominator wins, and where ‘sheep mentality’ is developed and encouraged. This is why TV advertising is simply about ‘repetition’ and ‘creating emotion’. But from a distance it looks scary and patronising. The web is offering us an outlet for our curiosity and desire to know, to learn, to be entertained, but everyone needs to create his or own viewing experience. You need to find the blogs you like, watch the clips you appreciate and there is this constant temptation and possibility of being a player, an actor. You have no excuse for not making your voice heard. Even if no one cares, you are at least developing your communication skills (as opposed to just passively receiving information). So now you know, I don’t just think the internet is a great business opportunity I also think it is a great personal tool for learning, experiencing meeting people. And I think it fundamentally empowers people. So that makes it a good thing.