For some reason in the past few weeks not a day goes by without a conversation about Second Life ( and how it can be used in a marketing strategy. At first I was surprised and a little sceptical but as I started to look into it it begins to make sense.
Second Life is a virtual reality environment in which you can interact with other people, chat and trade and travel to different places. What makes it interesting and perhaps distinct from other similar platform is that many of th elements of this world are being created by users. In my meeting with the Naked Conversation writers ( we touch on the subject. The question was how to you derive commercial benefit from such a platform. An article in Business weeks explores the issues behind making a commercial success of Second Life. Sheraton has started a blog to document their experience in this parrallel Universe (
Now what begins to seem clear is that for a hotel or a holiday destination Second Life might be a great place to get a real preview of the place you will visit and decide if it suits your needs. It can also be a great way to start an interaction with your prospects. I can also see companies launching exclusive prototypes of their products on Second Life (shoes, clothes, various objects) so that people can see them – leading to the Virtual Press Conference that is already being piloted.
Anyway we have decided that we would try selling some Hyperthinker drinks on Second Life – watch this space!