The World Medical Association (WMA) aims to raise awareness about the importance of the influenza vaccination for healthcare professionals. Therefore we helped creating yearly campaigns because if HCPs don’t get vaccinated against influenza, the sick, elderly, children and pregnant women they care for are at risk of catching this potentially deadly, but preventable, disease.
In 2015, we launched the third consecutive campaign by creating an easy to navigate website, two catchy videos with our Sophia character, and rich (occasionally funny) storytelling to further engage the target audience. Accompanying materials were also produced to increase the visibility of the campaign.
In 2014, we helped develop the second campaign, this time pushing the message further – healthcare professionals shouldn’t just get immunized against the flu, they should ask others to get the shot too.
ZN worked with them on their first campaign in 2013, focusing on a more “traditional” approach which appealed to emotions. For this, we worked on the creative campaign concept and made a video, which was showcased at a luncheon in conjunction with the 66th World Health Assembly in Geneva.