The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought war to Europe’s doorstep. More than seven million people have been displaced by the invasion, forcing them to flee their homeland to seek asylum and refuge in neighbouring countries. While the battles and skirmishes show no signs of stopping, we can donate and help the Ukrainian people in their utmost time of need.
Donations are an efficient way to alleviate the plight of Ukrainians all over the planet. ZN would like to use #EUinfluencer 2022 as a conduit for donations to the Ukrainian people.
Here are the many ways you can help Ukrainians:
Purchasing #EUinfluencer NFTs
We have minted NFTs that will be up for purchase right after we start our Metaverse party after the online event. But before that, please follow these instructions to set up your cryptowallet so that you can link it to your profile, which you will need to access our Metaverse space.
- On any compatible browser, such as Google Chrome, access and follow the site’s instructions for the extension installation. Upon installing the MetaMask wallet extension on your Google Chrome, create a wallet and perhaps add some funds in order to be able to buy NFTs.
- Afterwards, access and connect with your MetaMask wallet. Don’t forget to configure your settings!
- Once your Opensea account has been created, you can now access with your MetaMask wallet. Configure your avatar upon logging in, and you are good to go!
The NFTs will be displayed all around the venue. Please check these out and purchase any NFT you may like to own. All NFT proceeds will go to help Ukraine.
Donation Box for #F2F event attendees
A donation box will be passed around the #F2F event. For those attending, keep an eye on this box and donate what you can. Our resident Dynamics 365 Architect, Kirill Mikhaltsov, will be attending the event. Kirill is from Ukraine and he will drive from Brussels to Ukraine to personally deliver the donations.
Donation to the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR)
The UNHCR is the UN Body tasked to aid and protect refugees all over the world. Donating to the UNHCR will help them fulfil their mandate and help save the lives of Ukrainian refugees.
Click here to access their donation page.