Tomorrow I will be heading to London to attend a conference organised by IABC Europe. I will be making a presentation on how the Belgian chapter of IABC launched it’s own ning over one year ago and can provide a model of how such organisations can use online network to help members network and share ideas.
This is the first time I attend an IABC Europe event, and will do so in my capacity of President of IABC Belgium (yes – you can now call me ‘Mr President’) something I was appointed to over the summer. It’s an exciting challenge as I have been involved with IABC for several years now and have seen it as a strong network of global communicators based in and around Brussels, and have also started to better understand the potential of IABC as a global organisation (it has over 15 000 members worldwide).
Also at the event John Smythe, author of the the CEO as Chief Engagement Officer will be sharing his thoughts and I plan to ask him a couple of questions from the discussion that started on the IABC ning. The key question is how to approach employee engagement and motivation in the post(?) recession age – check the discussion and tell us what you think.
I will be keeping you posted next week on how this went.
Also think of joining IABC at a networking cocktail that will be organised on the 5th October. You don’t need to be a member to join but it is a good way to get to know the people involved and share your ideas of what we should be doing in the coming year.