If you haven’t follow this saga, start Digging into it now.
A massive YouTube phenomenon – a 16-year old girl called ‘lonelygirl15’ who attracted millions of viewers to her video blog – turns out to have been created by three aspiring film makers.
“Cult blog a fake, admit ‘lonelygirl’ creators”, wrote the Guardian last Saturday.
“A series of videos showing a 16-year-old girl opining about life, relationships, planets, cookies and religion from the orderly confines of her bedroom somewhere in smalltown America has become the pop culture hit of the summer.”
But internet sleuths have established that emails sent by lonelygirl15 came from the powerful Creative Artists Agency in Hollywood, and that lonelygirl15 was registered as a trademark by a California lawyer two weeks ago.”
But now the LA times has the first interview with the creators.
“It turns out the people behind the wildly popular website lonelygirl15 are not studio executives, Internet moguls or, as some suspected, Satanists. Instead, they are aspiring filmmakers who met at a mutual friend’s birthday party in April: Miles Beckett, 28, a Web-obsessed medical school dropout; Mesh Flinders, 26, a screenwriter; and Greg Goodfried, a 27-year-old lawyer.”
The exposure is hot news on the web. Here is a clip with pictures:
“Lonelygirl15 a.k.a Bree a.k.a Jessica Rose Exposed”.
Hats off to the hyperthinking and -acting that has gone into this stunt. It’s simply amazing.